Our services

Nos prestations vont du recouvrement de créances amiable de factures impayées au traitement judiciaire de créances contestées, y compris la relance et le suivi d’actes de défaut de biens. La méthodologie de recouvrement utilisée est adaptée aux spécificités de chaque cas.

  1. 1Notre force: la négociation.
  2. 2Polis mais fermes, nous gérons chaque dossier par des contacts réguliers.
  3. 3N’est pas irrécouvrable une créance qui n’a pas été traitée à fond !

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Thanks to our know-how and our experience in the matter of outstanding debts, we guarantee a personal supervision of your dossier.   For our company, no client or situation is identical. On receipt, your request will be treated immediately, enabling outstanding debts to be collected rapidly, which will greatly enhance your cash flow.


In order to limit your commercial risks, it is essential to be in possession of all pertinent information on your clients.   We propose giving you access to our information service to evaluate the solvency of your debtors.


When the first follow-up letter is sent and owing to the highly visible  O.R.C. SA stickers on your reminders, notify your clients that, in case of non-payment within the specified time frame, you will hand over your dossier for collection to O.R.C. SA.   You will be astonished at the initial results.

Our services go from the amicable recovery of funds and unpaid accounts to the judiciary treatment of disputed debts, therein included the follow-up and the monitoring of the Declaration of Insolvency.    The methods used to recover debts will be adapted to the specific needs of each case.

Our strength : negotiation
Polite but firm, we handle each dossier by regular contacts.

No outstanding debt is irrecoverable until it has been fully investigated.


Annual subscription: CHF 380.-

File, basic fee per collection order: CHF 30.-

Commissions are charged in addition (details on our brochure)

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